Vet. Surgical Resources, Quality Products for Veterinary Surgery

Product Catalog - Unfenestrated Drapes

Unfenestrated drapes are available wrapped and sterile or non-sterile. For non-sterile drapes add NS to the product number. These drapes may also be included in custom kits. Call for details.


Fan-folded. Available sterile only.

Product NumberSize (in)Size (cm)
3005A40 X 42102 X 107
301040 x 60102 X 152
3010-1*40 X 60102 X 152
3011A*60 X 60152 X 152
3012A-1*80 X 104203 X 264
301540 X 80102 X 203
302060 X 80152 X 203
3020A60 X 80152 X 203
3020A-1*60 X 80152 X 203
302580 X 120203 X 305
3030 Copelan Sheet140 X 160356 X 406
3035140 X 210356 X 533
3036160 X 240406 X 610


Fan-folded. Autoclavable.

Product NumberSize (in)Size (cm)
6010-1*44 X 55112 X 140
601340 X 77102 X 196
601755 X 55140 X 140
601155 X 77140 X 196
6011-1*55 X 77140 X 196
6012-1*77 X 104196 X 264
601477 X 120196 X 305



Product NumberSize (in)Size (cm)
608140 X 42102 X 107
608244 X 55112 X 140
6082-1*44 X 55112 X 140
608360 X 75152 X 191
6083-1*55 X 75140 X 191
608470 X 100178 X 254
6084-1*70 X 100178 X 254

Absorbent, Impervious


Product NumberSize (in)Size (cm)
3029-160 X 80152 X 203

*Numbers ending in a -1 indicate a drape folded to open to the long dimension first. Numbers ending in an A indicate an Impervex drape folded with the plastic side towards the surgeon.

Bulk Drape Material

Product No. 3215

Spunlace drape material. 55" x 100 yards (140 cm X 91 meters)/roll. Autoclavable.

Plastic drapes

Product No. 3101

40" X 45" (102 cm X 114 cm) plastic avian/research animal drape. " X 5" (13 cm X 13 cm) adhesive square in center. Sterile.

Product No. 5162-1

43" X 74" (109 cm X 188 cm) blue poly utility drape. Sterile.

Product No. 6063

24" X 24" (61 cm X 61 cm) opaque poly drape. 5" X 5" (13 cm X 13 cm) unfenestrated adhesive square centered on drape. Sterile.

Unfenestrated specialty sheets

Product No. 6041

80" X 123" (203 cm X 312 cm) drape with 80" X 46" (203 cm X 102 cm) clear plastic anesthesia window. Sterile.
Drape Materials
Drape Reinforcements
Other Notes
AAMI PB70 Classification System
Drapes OR Apparel OR Supplies
Quality Products for Veterinary Surgery