Product Catalog - Stockinette
Impervious Stockinette

Impervious stockinette is used in both large and small animal surgery. In small animal hanging leg type surgeries, impervious stockinette is useful for maintaining the sterile field. Unlike porous Vetrap™ type materials generally used in this procedure, sterile impervious stockinette protects against contamination and allows handling of the leg for positioning. A study published in Veterinary Surgery found that even a combination of Vetrap and Coban™ were not an effective barrier to prevent strikethrough.1
1. VINCE, K. J., LASCELLES, B. D. X., MATHEWS, K. G., ALTIER, C. and ROE, S. C. (2008), Evaluation of Wraps Covering the Distal Aspect of Pelvic Limbs for Prevention of Bacterial Strike-Through in an Ex Vivo Canine Model. Veterinary Surgery, 37: 406–411. doi: 10.1111/j.1532-950X.2008.00395.x
Vetrap and Coban are trademarks of 3M Healthcare
Impervious stretch outer barrier and woven polyester stockinette interior. Sterile. (1/pkg)